11 Fun Games That Will Make Your Toddler Love Brushing Their Teeth

As parents, we know the daily struggle of convincing our toddlers to brush their teeth. It can be challenging to make this essential task enjoyable, but it doesn’t have to be a battle. In fact, with the right approach, it can even be fun and that’s where the power of play comes in. We’ve gathered a list of fun and engaging games that will not only get your little one excited about brushing but also ensure their dental hygiene is top-notch.

How Important Is It to Brush Baby Teeth?

It’s very important to brush baby teeth, even though they will eventually fall out. Baby teeth hold the place of adult teeth, and they play an important role in the development of a child’s jaw and facial structure. Without proper brushing, baby teeth can decay, which can cause pain and infections, and even impact the development of adult teeth.

Brushing Teeth Games For Toddlers That Are Sure To Work.

Now you know that brushing a baby’s teeth is an important part of a baby’s oral and general health. But convincing toddlers to brush their teeth is like convincing cats to shower.

What can you do when your child hates brushing their teeth? Here are some fun games that will help your toddler love brushing their teeth!

1: Turn Brushing into a Game

One of the easiest and most fun ways to make brushing teeth fun for toddlers is to turn it into a game. For example, you can make up a silly song about brushing your teeth and sing it while your toddler brushes. You can also create a game where you pretend to be a dentist and ask your toddler to “open wide” and “say ah.” These simple games can make brushing teeth fun and engaging for your child.

2: Reward Your Children For Brushing Their Teeth

Another fun way to encourage your toddler to brush their teeth is to use a reward system. For example, you can give them a sticker every time they brush their teeth without a fuss. You can also make a chart where they can track their progress and earn a small prize when they reach a certain number of stickers. This game not only motivates them to brush regularly, but also teaches them the value of consistency.

3: Toothbrush Time with Storytelling

One of the most effective ways to captivate your toddler’s imagination during tooth brushing is through storytelling. Create an exciting tale involving their favourite characters or superheroes, and let them join in by brushing their teeth while the story unfolds. This will turn tooth brushing into an adventure they look forward to every day.

4: Musical Toothbrushing

Music has a magical way of making tasks more enjoyable. Invest in a musical toothbrush or simply play your toddler’s favourite tunes during brushing time.

Encourage them to “brush” to the beat, ensuring they cover all their teeth. This not only makes brushing enjoyable, but also keeps them engaged for the recommended two minutes. You can even join in and make it a family affair.

5: Toothbrush Timer Challenge

Turn tooth brushing into a friendly competition. Set a timer for two minutes and see if your toddler can brush all their teeth before the timer goes off. For example, using a timer or a smartphone app with a countdown feature, or a small hourglass timer with colourful sand can add an element of visual fun to the challenge. You can even make it more exciting by giving them a small reward if they finish in time.

6: Brushing Buddies

Join your toddler in brushing their teeth. Kids often love imitating their parents, and this can turn brushing into a bonding activity. Make it a friendly competition by seeing who can brush their teeth better. Just remember to use child-friendly toothpaste for your little one.

7: Superhero Brushing

Every toddler loves superheroes. Turn your little one into a dental superhero on a mission to save their teeth from cavities and plaque. Encourage them to wear a superhero cape or a mask during brushing time and celebrate their heroic efforts afterwards. Remember to motivate your little superhero to brush twice a day by rewarding them with something they like.

8: Let Them Choose

Give your toddler a sense of control by allowing them to choose their toothbrush, toothpaste flavour, and even a special cup for rinsing. This sense of ownership can make brushing feel like a personal, enjoyable routine.

9: Buy the Right Toothbrush and toothpaste

Along with making brushing teeth, fun, it’s also important to choose the right toothbrush and toothpaste for your toddler. Look for a toothbrush that is small enough for their mouth and has soft bristles. You should also choose a kid-friendly toothpaste that is not too strong or minty. Ekong Smile has the perfect Manual and electrical toothbrush for toddlers.

10: Daily Routine

It’s also a good idea to make brushing your teeth a part of your toddler’s daily routine. Try to brush their teeth at the same time every day, such as after breakfast or before bedtime. Creating a consistent routine will help your toddler know what to expect and make brushing their teeth feel like a normal part of their day. And don’t forget to praise your toddler when they do a good job brushing their teeth!

11: Be Patient and Consistent

Lastly, remember to be patient and consistent. It may take some time for your toddler to get used to brushing their teeth. But with a little patience and perseverance, you’ll help them develop good oral hygiene habits that will last a lifetime.


Teaching your toddler to brush their teeth doesn’t have to be a struggle. By making it fun, consistent, and a part of their daily routine, you can help them learn to enjoy brushing their teeth. Enjoy brushing their teeth means promoting healthy habits and creating positive memories that will last a lifetime.

So, which brushing game will you try with your little one today? Share your experiences and any additional tips you have in the comments below!

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