Why you must clean your tongue after every tooth brushing.

You may have heard from your dentist, Dental Therapist, or Dental hygienist that you should brush your teeth twice daily after dinner and breakfast for at least 2 minutes. The dentist may have also advised you on Flossing your teeth for healthy teeth and gums with a dental or Water Flosser.

But are brushing your teeth and flossing enough?

No, they are not enough. For example, sometimes your mouth or breath still smells after flossing and brushing your teeth. Why? Because you may be cleaning your tongue. You may even be cleaning your tongue, but you’re not cleaning it properly.

Brushing your teeth without cleaning your tongue is as good as not brushing your teeth because your mouth will still smell, and there will be food debris decaying, plaque-forming, which may put you at a high risk of developing cavities.

So, for your mouth to be completely clean, you must clean your tongue correctly after every brushing.

The reason you should clean your tongue correctly after every brushing.

Our tongue plays a critical role in food movement when chewing, swallowing, and digestion. Apart from that, it helps with taste and speech.

Since the human tongue plays many essential roles in our lives, you should clean it properly as it has all sorts of elevations, crevices, and papillae that help hide the bacteria.

This bacteria on the human tongue can cause cavities in your teeth and make your mouth smell which can embarrass you in public. To get rid of biofilm on the surface of your tongue because of the bacteria, you must clean your tongue properly.

Brushing off the biofilm over your tongue helps you fully regain your taste buds, enjoy the taste of your meals, and aid digestion.

How to clean your tongue effectively.

It is essential that using mouthwash or Water to rinse your mouth after eating or brushing your teeth will not properly clean your tongue. That is because when you rinse your mouth with mouthwash, you only destroy the outer cells of the biofilm over the language. In other words, you will only kill the bacteria at the outer surface, not those underneath the tongue. So, mouthwash or Water cannot easily remove bacteria from your language.

Now, how does one remove bacteria entirely from the tongue?

Using a tongue scraper is the best way to remove bacteria from the tongue properly.

What is a Tongue Scraper?

A tongue scraper is an oral care product that a dentist or dental hygienist recommends to help remove bacteria on the tongue. According to the dentist, tongue cleaners, also known as tongue scrapers, are more effective in cleaning the tongue than toothbrushes. 

These are how to clean your tongue properly with a tongue scraper:

Select a tongue scraper of your choice, according to the dentist from a seller. Depending on the Oral care manufacturer, some tongue scrapers are designed for plastic or metal and may have a handle for ease of use.

Step 1: Stick out your tongue as far as possible.

Step 2: Press down gently to place the scraper at the back of the tongue.

Step 3: Gently pull the tongue scraper towards the front of the tongue.

Step 4: Run the scraper under warm water or rinse it with running water to remove bacteria.

Step 5: Spit out any saliva left in the mouth after tongue scraping

Step 6: Now perform another pass on the tongue, clean, and spit. Do this again two to five times.

Step 7: Clean the tongue scraper in running water and store it in a clean, dry area for subsequent use. It’s essential to scrape your tongue two times per day. That’s after every tooth brushing.

Where to buy a dentist-recommended Tongue scraper.

Good oral hygiene is not only about brushing your teeth, flossing, and swishing with mouthwash. Taking care of your tongue is just as important. An often-overlooked aspect of good oral hygiene is cleaning your tongue with a unique tool or scraper, which helps to remove bacteria and food particles that can cause bad breath and other issues. In addition to the physical aspects of oral hygiene, human language must also be considered. With poor communication skills, people may fail to express their needs when it comes to dental health or fails to get proper treatment when needed. Therefore, physical and verbal aspects should be considered to maintain good oral health – from adequately brushing your teeth twice a day to speaking up about any necessary dental procedures. Good oral hygiene starts with you!

To get a free sample of the best tongue scraper and to learn more about it, kindly contact Ekong Smile. Ekong Smile is the best when it comes to oral care products.