Why Does Mouthwash Burn? Tips on Finding the Product for You

Mouthwash is a common oral hygiene product that many of us use daily to maintain fresh breath, kill bacteria and promote overall oral health. Just like brushing your teeth and flossing, mouthwash is very important in your Oral hygiene routine. It is like a superhero for your mouth. But sometimes, it can feel like your mouth is on fire when you use it to rinse your mouth. It could be a tingling or burning sensation in your mouth. Your gums may feel irritated.

You may even think that the pain or burn in your mouth could be a result of not using the oral rinse products as directed. No, you did nothing wrong.  You can still use mouthwash as directed and still feel an uncomfortable and burning sensation.

But why does mouthwash burn? We’ll delve into the reasons behind the barn and provide some helpful tips on finding the right mouthwash for your needs. And if you’re on the hunt for the ultimate mouthwash, look no further than Ekong Smile – they’ve got you covered!

Why Does Mouthwash Burn?

So, you know that tingly, burning sensation you get from mouthwash? Well, it’s usually because of the stuff inside it. Yes, the burning sensation that often accompanies using mouthwash can be attributed to a few factors.

One of the main culprits is the alcohol content in many mouthwash formulations. Alcohol, such as ethanol, is added to mouthwash for its antibacterial properties. While it effectively kills germs and bacteria, it can also cause a temporary burning sensation especially if you have sensitive gums or oral tissues. But don’t worry, not all mouthwashes contain alcohol, so if you’re sensitive to the burning sensation, you can opt for an alcohol-free mouthwash.

Another reason for the barn is the presence of certain ingredients like menthol, eucalyptol, and even the strong flavours used to mask the natural taste of other components. These ingredients can stimulate nerve endings in the mouth, leading to a tingling or burning sensation.

What Can You Do if Mouthwash Burns Your Mouth?

It is not nice when a mouthwash that’s supposed to make your mouth feel refreshed and kill bacteria or germs turns out to cause discomfort and irritate your gums.

If your mouthwash contains alcohol and you notice a burning sensation in your mouth or you feel your gum is irritated, it’s a good idea to talk to your dentist. Your dentist may examine your mouth and recommend an alcohol-free mouthwash to you.

If you change to alcohol-free mouthwash but still feel a burning sensation and discomfort, there are things you can do too. Check if your mouthwash contains Chlorhexidine.  Many people are allergic to this ingredient. Your dentist may recommend a mouthwash that contains Chlorhexidine because it helps to reduce plaque and help fight gingivitis. So, let your dentist know that you’re allergic to Chlorhexidine and ask if there are other options you can try.

Some people are also sensitive to cetylpyridinium chloride, eucalyptus oil or menthol, which is derived from mint or peppermint. So, discuss with your dentist to help you find a mouth rinse that suits your needs without causing unnecessary discomfort.

Tips on Finding the Right Mouthwash for You

To find the perfect Mouthwash you have to think about your needs: What do you want your mouthwash to do? Tackle bad breath? Fight off cavities? Knowing what you need will help you pick the right one as different mouthwashes serve different purposes.

1: Check the Label: Flip that bottle around and read what’s inside. Pay attention to the ingredients. If you’re not a fan of the burning, look for the ones that say “alcohol-free.” Also, check to see if there’s fluoride – that’s the stuff that makes your teeth strong.

2: Alcohol-free Options: If you’re sensitive to the burning sensation caused by alcohol, consider opting for alcohol-free mouthwash. These formulations are milder and can be gentler on your mouth tissues while still providing effective cleaning and freshening.

3: Sensitivity Formulas: If you have sensitive gums or mouth tissues, look for mouthwash products specifically designed for sensitive mouths. These usually have reduced levels of alcohol and other potentially irritating ingredients.

4: Give It a Shot: Sometimes, you’ve to try a few before you find the one that suits you best. If one mouthwash doesn’t feel right, try another brand. It’s all about finding the one that makes your mouth happy.

5: Consult Your Dentist: If you’re unsure which mouthwash is best for your needs, consult your dentist. They can recommend products that align with your oral health goals and any specific concerns you may have.

6: Gradual Introduction: If you’re trying a new mouthwash, consider using it in small amounts initially to gauge your sensitivity to the product. Over time, your mouth may become accustomed to the sensations.

7: Try Different Flavours: If the burning sensation is a big concern, experiment with different flavours of mouthwash. Some flavours might be less intense and more comfortable for you.

Ekong Smile Mouthwash-The Best Mouthwash for you

Ekong Smile: The Mouthwash Champion When it comes to awesome mouthwash, Ekong Smile is the best. They’re the experts in oral care, and their mouthwash game is strong. Whether you’re all about that fresh breath or you’re fighting off those sneaky germs, Ekong Smile has mouthwashes that’ll have your back.


While the burning sensation from mouthwash can be uncomfortable, it’s often a result of the active ingredient working to kill harmful bacteria and promote oral hygiene. By understanding why mouthwash burns, what you do if it burns your mouth and considering the tips mentioned above, you can find a mouthwash product that suits your needs and helps you maintain a healthy and fresh mouth without causing excessive discomfort.

Ekong Smile’s dedication to oral care makes it a fantastic choice when searching for the ideal mouthwash to incorporate into your daily routine.