7 Ways to Get Perfect White Teeth like celebrities

You may have seen celebrities on television, in the movies, on the red carpet, or in a music video and fallen in love with their sparkling white teeth.  Then you ask yourself “How do I get perfect white teeth like celebrities?”

How to get whiter teeth is very simple. Nobody wants to be embarrassed for having discoloured teeth, as teeth or a smile is one of the first things people do notice when they meet with you. A Hollywood Smile or celebrity white teeth give you that confidence and pride.

There are many ways celebrities do get whiter teeth and we’ve discussed the important ones below.

Apart from the ones discussed below, celebrities also have a trusted dentist or dental hygienist who advises them on safe products to use and how to maintain their oral health.

Ways to get Perfect White Teeth like celebrities

1: Use of Activated Charcoal Whitening

Activated charcoal whitening toothpaste or powder helps in teeth whitening as many contain stain removal, mild abrasives, or polishing agents which remove or lift stains from teeth.

2: Consider Professional Water Flosser

This Professional Water Flosser mixes water with a stain removal agent which easily removes stains on the teeth that brushing may not remove and restores natural teeth whiteness. It is best if you want to avoid the use of harsh bleaching chemicals or laser light to whiten your teeth at home.

3: Use an Electric Toothbrush

An electric toothbrush does a better job of teeth brushing than regular toothbrushes or manual toothbrushes do. They can help you remove extrinsic stains effectively. Apart from helping to prevent cavities and gum disease, an electric toothbrush truly makes your teeth appear whiter over time.

4: At-home Whitening Products

This is an effective and safe way to easily whiten your teeth from your own home or on the go. At home teeth whitening product works like magic for everyone, but you’ll need effective tooth whitening to get such amazing results. It contains peroxide that can help remove stains and whiten your teeth with no sensitivity or gum damage.

There are different types of home whitening kits to choose from, including LED kits, prefilled trays and whitening pens. They help to maintain the whiteness in your teeth at regular intervals.

5: Teeth Whitening Strips

Teeth whitening strips are made with peroxide-based whitening gel which bonds to the teeth, giving it a chance to whiten the teeth better and brighter. You’ll see results in a few days after a few minutes of wearing them daily for a week.

6: Colour Corrector

The purple or violent teeth Colour corrector neutralizes the yellow stains on the teeth quickly and effectively without the use of harsh chemicals, giving your teeth that celebrity shade of white everyone will admire. It does not cause any irritation, gum damage or sensitivity and can be used as a teeth-brightening booster with normal toothpaste at home.

7: Professional teeth cleaning.

Apart from the Ultrasonic tooth cleaner in the dental clinic, there are also at-home ultrasonic teeth cleaners that remove tooth stains, dental plaque, dental calculus and any other food debris from your teeth and restore the natural whiteness of teeth.


There are no special things to do if you want to have celebrity white teeth or a Bollywood smile. What celebrities usually do is have a trusted oral care product company that can manufacture a safe and effective set of whitening kits and other Oral care products that work perfectly for them. Now, take your first step by contacting Ekong Smile manufacturer at no cost to start your perfect celebrity white teeth journey.