Can an Electric Toothbrush damage my Teeth?

You may want to switch from your regular toothbrush to an electric toothbrush. In other words, you’re looking for a quick and better way to brush your teeth to improve their appearance.

Switching to an electric toothbrush from a regular toothbrush is always the best decision you would make if you want to enhance the appearance of your smile; this is because electric toothbrushes are more effective at removing plaque and makes the process even easier by adding in a timer to let you know when you’ve correctly brush your teeth for the optimal amount of time. Amazing, right?

Using an electric toothbrush to brush your teeth won’t damage your teeth. What damages your teeth is how you use them to brush your teeth; misusing them can lead to teeth damage. Not only do they hurt your teeth, but they also cause bleeding, sensitivity, and gum recession.

So, to avoid electric toothbrushes from causing more harm than good to your teeth, Learning how to properly use an electric toothbrush is essential for optimal oral hygiene.

How to use an electric toothbrush?

According to the Dentist, you’re to spend at least two minutes properly cleaning your teeth. Unfortunately, most people don’t have the patience to brush for at least two minutes and often miss some of their teeth entirely or are unable to brush hard-to-reach places. That is where brushing with an electric toothbrush is essential and consistently recommended by a dentist.

Ne might think the more complicated and faster you brush your teeth, the whiter they become, the more plaque you’ll remove, and the cleaner or brighter your teeth will be. The truth is that you’re damaging your teeth, gums, and enamel when you brush harder. It’s easy to use an electric toothbrush, so always avoid putting too much pressure on your teeth when you brush, as it could cause irreversible damage.

This guide will teach you how to use an Electric Toothbrush for the best oral hygiene.

These are the simple and easy steps to use an electric toothbrush to brush your teeth.

Gently squeeze a pea-sized glob of toothpaste onto the bristles of your electric toothbrush.

Hold the brush at a 45-degree angle against your gum line, just like your regular or manual toothbrush.

Then turn on the rechargeable electric toothbrush (you should only turn it on once it’s inside your mouth) and gently move the meeting from tooth to tooth. Electric toothbrushes with smaller heads usually brush about one tooth at a time, although it depends on the size of your teeth.

Using an Electric toothbrush to brush your teeth is easy. Just guide the electric brush along the,

-front surfaces

-back surfaces

-and chewing surfaces of each tooth.

Just like a manual toothbrush, you’re to spend at least two minutes brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush to ensure that you’ve correctly cleaned each tooth.

Then after you must have finished brushing, thoroughly give the brush a complete rinse with cleaner water, ensuring that all residue and dirt have been removed before allowing it to dry. 

Why do dentists want you to use an electric toothbrush instead of a regular toothbrush?

Dentists recommend Electric toothbrushes standard toothbrushes because they fight gingivitis and other gum diseases more quickly and are safer and less stressful for everyone. In addition, electric toothbrushes clean your teeth properly and are very easy to access in those hard-to-reach areas. Thereby helping to protect your gums from infection and disease.

The only best electric toothbrush you can buy in 2023

If you are in search of an electric toothbrush that helps you brush your teeth effectively, helps fight plaque, and prevents gingivitis and other gum diseases, then look no further; EkongSmile is the best Electric toothbrush that can make brushing so easy and straightforward, and help you ensure that you are removing every plaque or leftover food every time you brush.

Contact Ekong Smile today if you are looking for a top-rated Electric Toothbrush that gets the job done.